Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [8:54:45 AM] flatpak repos:

elementary os’s flatpak: flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists elementary https://flatpak.elementary.io/repo.flatpakrepo

fedora’s flatpak: flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists fedora oci+https://registry.fedoraproject.org

fedora beta’s flatpak: flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists fedora-testing oci+https://registry.fedoraproject.org#testing

flathub (main): flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

flathub (beta): flatpak remote-add –user –if-not-exists flathub-beta https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.flatpakrepo

kde’s flatpak: flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists kdeapps –from https://distribute.kde.org/kdeapps.flatpakrepo

gnome’s nightly flatpak (fk gnome): flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists gnome-nightly https://nightly.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo

note: it can be added on any distro

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [8:55:26 AM] systemctl –user restart pipewire.service

curl –socks5 http://checkip.amazonaws.com/

add nix app shortcuts to start menu: ln -s ~/.nix-profile/share/applications/* ~/.local/share/applications/ && chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/*

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [9:24:40 AM] some linux Universal third party repos:

  1. nixpkg: install it (it’s a bash script): https://nixos.org/download.html

search package: https://search.nixos.org/

basic guide for commands: https://christitus.com/nix-package-manager/

real guide: https://nixos.org/learn.html محشره! ولی وقتی vulkan و opengl میشه (یعنی هرچی غیر گیمینگه اوکیه), بیچاره کنندس https://github.com/guibou/nixGL/ باید اینو بزنی, opengl کار میکنه ولی vulkan برا nvidia عوضی بازی در میاره https://github.com/guibou/nixGL/issues/96 https://github.com/guibou/nixGL/issues?q=nvidia

  1. flatpak it’s installed by default in your distro, but not all distro use flathub (has everything you will need), like fedora https://flatpak.org/setup/Fedora the commands are basic like (same with dnf): flatpak install X, flatpak remove X, flatpak search X

some linux universal binary:

  1. appimage, it’s exe equivalent for linux, it’s supported by all (most) distros, you can check out https://github.com/AppImageCommunity/awesome-appimage by using things like https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher it feels like a native application (and in some instances, it’s better than native version)

  2. linux binary sometimes, things like telegram and nekoray, you need a tar.gz from official github release bcz telegram in repos always suck, you need to add them to /opt/ and add manually to your application menu

some linux universal IDK WTF I AM DOING IN MY LIFE:

  1. distrobox https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox install linux distros in docker/podman with shared /home not fully isolated like flatpak (by default)

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [9:25:01 AM] Nako Kumar, [2:40:14 PM] add package to system (example: nvidia): sudo transactional-update pkg install (???)

opensuse unimmutable shell mode: sudo tukit –continue execute fish

(in order to make appimage work, install “fuse”) (Also “farsi-fonts” for…)


1- add repo sudo zypper addrepo -f https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed NVIDIA

2- update repo zypper ref && zypper dup

3- install nvidia zypper install x11-video-nvidiaG05 nvidia-glG05 nvidia-computeG05 nvidia-gfxG05-kmp-default

(replace G05 with your current gen (https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_drivers#Install))

list repo: zypper lr -d (find repo’s number)

To disable repo number; zypper mr -d -F (number)

To Remove; zypper rr (number)

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [1:32:15 PM] https://ohmyz.sh/#install



https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting


Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [1:45:54 PM] توی ویندوز سرویس های اضافی روببند. از لاگ گیری ها گرفته تا قسمت های exploit monitor فایروال یا سرویس های و استارت اپ های تحت بوت. ابزار io driver booster هم نصب کن.درایورها رو بروز کن. میتونی از ابزار wise care استفاده کنی. برای بعضی از کارها

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [2:36:27 PM] https://wiki.supreme-gamers.com/guides/run-android-x86-on-linux-distro/ https://linuxjourney.com/ https://t.me/linuxtnt https://wiki.supreme-gamers.com/guides/run-android-x86-on-linux-distro/

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [2:38:11 PM] figlet

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [2:40:40 PM] https://linuxjourney.com/

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [3:00:24 PM] برای اضافه کردن دستور اتوماتیک هنگام باز کردن ترمینال nano ~/.bashrc و اخرین خط دستور رو وارد میکنیم

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [3:00:31 PM] fortune | cowsay | lolcat

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [3:01:19 PM] Fedora Fonts: Install most important fonts (google mono will do almost of the job): sudo dnf install google-noto-sans*

install ALMOST EVERY fonts: sudo dnf install -fonts.noarch

install persian Vazir font: https://github.com/rastikerdar/vazirmatn/releases

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [3:59:28 PM] گروه فدورا فارسی: https://t.me/Fedorair

Fallen Reaper 『リーパーボーイ』 🦦, [4:45:43 PM] https://liquorix.net/
